India In Space! - Free Mugs Or Coasters Set Offer – Hobo's Swansea
India In Space! - Free Mugs Or Coasters Set Offer

30 Years Of Hobo's, Hobo's, Hobo's Swansea, India In Space, Indian Space Research Organisation, NASA, Nik Dosanjh, Pink Floyd, Star Wars -

India In Space! - Free Mugs Or Coasters Set Offer

Nik was over the moon with India's recent celestial adventures to the lunar south pole, so much so that Hobo's is now offering a free moon mug or coasters set with every space themed purchase over £10! From Star Wars to NASA, Pink Floyd and much more, anything remotely space related comes with a freebie! Offer ends Friday 1st September*.
Hobo's Moon Promo
*In-store only.
Hobo's Keeping Swansea Vintage
