Funked Up @ Flickering Light (09/02/22) – Hobo's Swansea
Funked Up @ Flickering Light (09/02/22)

Abertawe, Disco, Flamingo's, Flickering Light, Hobo's, Hobo's Swansea, Motown, Nik Dosanjh, R&B, RAVS, Scott Pullin, Soul, Wind Street -

Funked Up @ Flickering Light (09/02/22)

Thanks to everybody who came along for the second Funked Up event of the year! The turnout was huge yet again and we hope you all had a great time. Here are a few images from the night!

Funked Up 01

Funked Up 02

Funked Up 03

Funked Up 04

Funked Up 05

Funked Up 30

Funked Up 06

Funked Up 07

Funked Up 08

Funked Up 09

Funked Up

Funked Up 10

Funked Up 11

Funked Up 12

Funked Up 13

Funked Up 14

Funked Up 15

Funked Up 16

Funked Up 17

Funked Up 18

Funked Up Drink Prices

Funked Up 19

Funked Up 20

Funked Up 22

Funked Up 22

Funked Up 23

Funked Up 24

Funked Up 25

Funked Up 26

If you would like any of the images above in higher quality, then please email with your image request (saved from above would be ideal) and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

